Monday, July 18, 2011

Cinnamon Chocolate Quesadillas

Seems like everyone has some sort of go-to know, the thing you whip up for dinner when you don't have time to think about making something, or that one thing you always seem to take to pot lucks because it's easy to make and everyone raves about it.

I have a go-to recipe, and no surprise, it's a dessert.  It's perfect for those times when you have spent 2 hours of your afternoon buried knee-deep in a mess made by the kids, attempting to get them to persuade them to help clean.  Or those times when dinner is a nightmare because what you've made is "yucky" and results in grumbles and groans and all avoidance tactics, including hanging upside down off the chair.  Or for those times when both things happen in rapid succession.

If you haven't figured it out, last night was one of those nights.  And I was so grateful that this dessert was ever invented and that it could be whipped up in 5 minutes flat.  Best part of it is, most people have all of the ingredients needed just lying around their house waiting to be made into this wonderful dessert.  So what are you waiting for?!  Go get baking!!!

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