Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookies

It's been awhile since I've eaten a good chocolate chip cookie.

Now don't get me wrong.  I've didn't say I haven't eaten chocolate chip cookies, because that's just plain absurd.  It's just been awhile since I've made chocolate chip cookies that weren't sliced off a log, scooped out of a plastic tub or mixed up from a pouch. 

But when you are craving...I mean really craving something, you know only the best will satisfy.  So I turned to my old high school yearbook where buried deep amongst big-banged girls and mulleted guys, I have preserved the one and only go-to recipe for chocolate chip cookies.

One of my best friends from high school, Megan, made the meanest chocolate chip cookie around.  I lived for the days she would whip up a batch and bring some to school to share with the rest of us.  I mean, these cookies were to die for.  I could never understand what she did to make them so good because I just could never make mine taste as good as hers.  (Here's a hint...she did not follow the recipe on the back of the Toll House bag.)  Her cookies just melted in your mouth and made you want another....but the catch was, you really shouldn't eat another.  They were so darn rich and good that a second one usually made me sick to my stomach which seems like a weird thing to say about a cookie that you absolutely love, but it is what it is.

Today I decided it had been too long since I'd had one (coming up on 20 years, to be exact), so I dug out the ol' yearbook and found the recipe...and promptly realized two things: 1) I did not have enough eggs to make the recipe and 2) when Megan gave me this secret recipe, she forgot to say what temperature to bake them at.  The egg problem was solved quite easily...a great friend gave me the one egg I needed.  As for the oven temp, I decided to just wing it and go with 350 degrees...because it seems like everything bakes at that temp.

I have to say, the cookies turned out almost exactly how I remembered them.  Not 100% the same, but I'm thinking that's just the extra added "Megan" touch that only she will ever be able to give to these cookies.  Still, it's nice to know when I need a blast from the past, I can come almost close enough to the real thing.

Now I'm off with my cookie and a glass of milk...I think some old 90210 re-runs are in order.

*Oh, and if you are wondering where the recipe is, it's hidden safely in my yearbook...according to what is written, there are only 3 others besides Megan who have this "special" recipe.  If you really want some, just ask me to make them for you!

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